Thursday, February 21, 2013


This is the New PS plus game for this week.  I love this game.  I am a little disappointed that I already owned the disc based version of the game, but i have learned recently... I am REALLY lazy when it comes to playing games.  I love being able to not get up when i want to switch games quickly.  I personally will look through my library of HDD games, before i look on my rack for games to play.  There is still a reason i buy disc based games... COST!  Wait 6months to a year and most are down $20-$30.  Like Mortal Kombat... on the PSN store the KOMPLETE EDITION is still $39.99.  added to my library via disc based. $15.  The advantages to HDD games are, if they get corrupted... delete the game data and start fresh. Which with disc-based... if your disc gets warped from playing a game too much (that is my copy of fallout: new vegas most-likely honestly)  and it is just plain messed up, and there is not much you can do.

SO on that note, to have a back-up of a game that I love playing and don't want messed up, I purchased the FREE PS plus copy of Vanquish.  Would be cooler if i got something else, but nonetheless still a great game.

It is basically a standard 3rd person shooter with a few nuances... you are in a exo-suit so you have a rocket pack on your back which you can use to boost yourself into cover... like that feature.  you can also use the suit to dodge, then holding L1, you can slow down time to hit multiple targets at once.  This suit also regenerates your health, but it does overheat. so it isn't like you are invincible.  You do die... and i assure you playing it on hard my first time through... i have.  Yes. you heard that right.  I play video games a lot. and because of that I normally start games on hard.  There are very Few games, that I do not... and that would be like... Castlevania, or Lost Planet 2 since you get to level 1-2 on hard, and you cannot defeat the boss.  you just don't have the firepower, since the game is designed for infinite replay.  On vanquish, I have only gotten to 2-2, but part of that is because i am going for the achievement (don't die on any difficulty) which happens to make me leave the game when i die and go to the title screen.  Especially since any of the other trophies i can go back and do over on easy if i REALLY wanted to just get trophies... which personally. i normally don't... I just play games for fun.  This is one game that doesn't lack in that.

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