Thursday, February 14, 2013

Mortal Kombat 2011 and MK vs DC (aka Mortal Kombat 9, or THE Mortal Kombat)

For those of you who have not played the whole game, and are fans of Mortal Kombat... YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED.  I seriously just played the game for the past 5 hours straight.  This game is awesome.  I cannot believe how well they did with merging all of the games, AND making something different as well.

If you have never played the game, it is a MESH, and REBOOT of the first 3 Mortal Kombat games.  What I like about it is that the story is still done well, even with the fact that reboots have become so popular recently.  In this case though... IT DIDN'T RUIN IT!  I seriously felt like I was 12 years old again playing Mortal Kombat II with blood again for the first time.  The combo system is kind of like that of MK vs DC.  The differences are that, you have the X-ray attacks. instead of just using your "Kombat Rage". You can now use the meter that was used for Counters in MK vs DC to do something useful.  So all and all the new one is great.

Personally, I liked MK vs DC.  I just thought they put the game together rather quickly.  22 characters to play 11 DC and 11 MK seemed pretty slim.  I think 15 and 15 would have been a lot better.  I think they just wanted to stick with a small core of people to play. me personally, I think having Cyrax or Smoke in this game would have been cool.. and on the DC side they should have had Green Arrow.  But if they would have made Green Arrow like he was in the Super Nintendo game "Justice League Task Force"  He would have been unstoppable... more so than they made The Joker.  Who by far is one of the best guys, besides Batman, on the DC side.

I was also disappointed, that a game made by WB interactive did NOT have Kevin Conroy voice Batman.  IF you don't know who that is he is the voice of batman in the old batman animated series in the 90s, the WB cartoon network justice league, and the 2 WB interactive Batman: Arkham Asylum/City games.  If you are odd ball like me for example. you will go try to support people like him by buying their game... hence why i loved the Evil Dead games.  I could give money to Bruce Campbell.  Anyways.. like is said in the beginning... BUY THE NEW MORTAL KOMBAT. The new "Komplete Edition" is $15 on  totally worth it.

1 comment:

  1. I like how in online you can have a classic theater view.
