Friday, February 22, 2013

Playstation 4

After seeing the 2 hour preview that was done at 3pm PST (and yes i tried to watch the whole thing, even though Sony's feed crashed at parts), is going to revolutionize the Gaming world.  Just some of the concepts that came out for the games seemed amazing.  I am not too into the move, and I don't know anyone who has one... but with some of the options that will possibly come out it might be fun... especially if they are updating it much like the dual shock 4 controller that has a 3d distance sensor...  if you were going to update that, imagine what could be done to play fencing games... Just as an example.. the game would be able to tell where you were in the room and more accurately judge your strikes.  so you could use this for a rerelease of medieval, which will probably come out soon... Especially since Dan is one of the characters on the Playstation All-Stars game, which is basically just a copy of Smash brothers, but with Sony characters.

The other thing that could be done with something like this, is a more realistic first person shooter... Especially if they add multiple monitor capabilities, or even come up with some kind of Curved T.V. Screen... which knowing Sony is possibly in the works, since the resolution of the PS4 is DOUBLE what it is for the PS3.  Currently resolution is 1440 x 1080p... the PS4 is capable of 2880 by 2160.  The graphics processing unit, can do most of the computing for the PS4 as well, which means the CPU will deal with most of the run-time information, and AI functions for games.  Games in the next 3 years, i can imagine are going to be DRASTICALLY more difficult as the AI learns your playing patterns even faster than the PS3 is capable of, and adapting.  This will push Hardcore gamers to be much better and games than they are now.  I personally am very excited for the Playstation 4 even if it is not completely backwards compatible... I do expect that just like the Playstation 3, once there are enough games out on the system... it won't matter and your PS3 will be collecting dust, much like my PS2 was.

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