Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Fallout New Vegas: Ultimate Edition Gripes and Kudos

First I am going to start off with my praises to the add-ons.  I loved Big MT.  I thought it was the best written, and the fact that they got James Urbaniak, to do one of the Voices made it even better.  Especially since people say i look exactly like Dr. Venture.  Plus the announcements on the loud speaker are classic... like "Hey Guys! have you tried this intercom thing?! It makes you sound like some kind of SKKYYYY GOOODDD!" lol that was so awesome the first time I heard it.

The next thing I would like to Praise Bethesda for is the Honest Hearts Add-on.  It was nice to see Mormon's portrayed Positively for once in any form of media, especially since I am one.  I really think that someone at Bethesda who helped to Develop the game is Mormon, or a member of "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints."

The one thing I didn't like about Honest Hearts is this... okay, you are in a post-apocalyptic world, where ammo is supposed to be scare... and uhm... the Native Americans don't use a Bow and Arrow?! really... REALLY?! come on guys... that doesn't seem very post-apocalyptic wild west to me. most people probably don't know this, but a Bow and Arrow can go through Military grade KEVLAR.  so why not use it in a post-apocalyptic world against guys in metal armor?  just seems kind of odd.

The other thing i didn't like about the add-ons... no REALLY good perks other than Grunt, and The survivalist one that turns guys into blood sausage... i mean honestly, you can pretty much own anything in new vegas on very hard if you take 4 perks... and one to just support them.  1st BETTER CRITICALS, Second Hand Loader, Third The Professional, 4th Bloody mess. Here is why... Jury rigger to support repairing your equipment is nice, but not needed. if you run around sneaking using the Ranger Sequioa, which you can get from Cheif Hanlon at Camp Golf after he kills himself, you are literally with sneak criticals doing an extra 100% damage.  the SWC rounds work as armor piercing rounds.  you will literally be shooting death claws in the head on VERY HARD in the lonesome road, and killing them instantly.  if you want some V.A.T.S. support just make sure and take sniper and gunslinger... and you will basically be unstoppable. you can run around in light armor and own everything.

After playing the add-ons... i honestly found them to be pointless. :/  rather sad to be honest.  Wow... i can cap out at level 50 and have 100 in all my skills. :/ where is the challenge?  just what i think.

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