Thursday, February 21, 2013

Legacy of Kain series

So a friend of mine and I were talking a while ago about doing some classic video game Reviews...  Personally, I liked the whole Legacy of Kain Series even if the story line seemed not to mesh well, if you play the games.  Like for instance In Defiance you Travel back in time with one of the Two main characters in the Game, Raziel, and are back before a point where the "Father of all Vampires" Yanos Audron is dead... Kain has his Heart inside of him... Well needless to say, you Revive him, then kill him again.  The funniest part about this, is this is supposedly before legacy of kain: Blood omen 2 takes place, and in blood omen 2 he is walking around alive.  Things they should have done some fact checking on is all... lol...

Anyways,  That is about the LITTLEST complaint I have on this game series, other than I just didn't like blood omen, the First Legacy of Kain game.  It to me, was just stupid... had bad graphics for it's time, and just didn't appeal to me.  I really couldn't get into it.  I think it was probably because i started with Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver.  Now if you never were able to play this game... i feel like you missed out on something great.  ESPECIALLY for it's time.  This game was one of the first 3-d games to not only have environmental kills, but be one of the first games to allow you to throw weapons that you picked up from your environment in order to do stealth kills with them.

I played this game so much, that I used to have friends over and would stop looking at the screen for 5-10 minutes at a stretch and my friends were just watching in awe of what i was doing, because i would not even be touched.  The  Main character in this game, wasn't just a Vampire.  Raziel, was a Revived Spectral Vampire... He was much like the Wraiths' you would fight in the game, except the couldn't just drain life from things.  He did however SWALLOW SOULS...  yes just like Evil Dead "I'll Swallow your SOUL!".  Soul Reaver 2 was the next game that was released, As Far as I know.  Blood Omen 2 came out much later...  Blood Omen 2 was also a fun game, but i will get to that in a minute.  I loved The story of the Soul Reaver Games, and the Intrigue, and unanswered questions were left unanswered.

Blood Omen 2 was a good game because of the many powers and abilities you were able to gain.  My favorite was the charm ability... I loved using it on hapless humans, and making them kill themselves in interesting ways... for example there is one point where you have to have a human flip a lever, and when he does he cooks himself... CLASSY!  this game made me laugh over and over again with things like that.

Finally the end of the Story came with Legacy of Kain: Defiance.  In my opinion, this made it all culminate actually, and was probably the best game out of the series.  They took away the one bad thing about blood omen 2, the TERRIBLE block mechanics, which you almost had to have auto block on (i did).  and just gave Kain the ability to dodge via mist form.  Much cooler, and much more fluid for the combat.  This also made you realize why Kain was the way he was, and Why he had thrown Raziel into the Abyss, to turn him into the tatter corpse wraith soul stealing vampire that he was.  There was a sixth game in development, that was never created...  it was cancelled in 2004.  There is currently rumors that a Reboot of this series maybe created.  Personally if a reboot is made it would be awesome. If you want the Next best thing, Start playing Darksiders.  It is about as close to a modern Legacy of Kain game, that I have found.

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