Friday, May 31, 2013

Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage

This is a dynasty warriors alternative, made by Tecmo.  This is the Fist of the North Star game that we always wanted.  NOT the crappy NES game that came out in 87ish... which by the way if you look it up on youtube, there are people able to beat it in under 10min.  THE WHOLE GAME!  yes, this game was stupid, (the NES version). Touting itself as Fist of the North Star... i have no clue what that game was.  Ken's Rage is the REAL Fist of the North Star game.  I love this game, the punching of people and making their heads explode with Hokuto Shinken, eviscerating their bodies with Nanto Seiken.  Overall this was a great game, even if it got repetitive at times.  Hoards of stupid baddies to slay easily and quickly is what makes this game a very good anime to console port.

Darksiders I and II

These games are fun...  I think the first game has a lot more going for it in someways than II.  I like the combos better in I, the fact you can pick up cars, and the fact the abyssal chain is much more useful in grabbing chaos growth than the death grip.  Honestly, in a lot of ways the Death Grip move is not all that useful.  I thought it would be much more useful, and you would be able to grab onto chaos growth with it... and you cannot. you just fall to your death pitifully might i add.... lol.  I did like going to earth and the more vast array of guns.  I also liked see parts of the different worlds.  I am hoping as the story more unfolds it will become a much better game series overall and they will perfect more of what you can do.  I think Darksiders V (which they already have plans for) will be the best one of them all, being as you will pick up right at the end of the first Darksiders riding to right the wrongs of the apocalypse, in a multi-player online game.

Tron Legacy

This is a VERY hard game, and the difficulty curve JUMPS tremendously.  i got stuck on the second level, because of this difficulty jump, just on normal.  this is still a pretty fun game, and the multiplayer battle-royale online is also pretty fun.  The light cycles and tanks are interesting to drive as well.  The only issue i have with this game, is the wall running.  The wall running at times can be choppy in a way where when you want to run sideways along a wall you run up it, or vice versa.

Alice Madness Returns

I had a lot of fun playing this game, even if it wasn't very difficult.  I put it on Nightmare setting, and still felt like it was BARELY a challenge.  I could even get some of the "do not get hit" trophies on the hardest difficulty.  This game is very much like the original Lewis Carroll books which were EXTREMELY  dark, if you didn't know.  This to me was true to the Alice series, and was a great way to update it for the modern era, and make it much more for adults, than the Disney movie.

Naughty Bear Gold and Panic in paradise

To be honest, I like different aspects of each game.  The graphics in the original are actually much better than panic in paradise. (1080p vs 720p), and the fact that you get guns in the first game and can shoot them is pretty fun.  There is also much more variety of traps in the original naughty bear.  In Panic in Paradise, you can perform grabs.  which you could not do in the original.  In panic in paradise, if a bear is trapped in a trap, and another comes to free him... you cannot scare that bear away.  that was something i found i liked in the original.  The level up/weapons system in panic in paradise, also can get old.  because if you max out ALL the pants (like i have) you no longer gain experience from that piece of equipment.  You are actually being robbed of experience points with the way the level up system was created.

Both games are difficult, but can be fun if you figure out what to do pretty quickly.

Alpha Protocol

For those of you who had NEVER heard of this game (don't feel bad i hadn't either)  this is an obsidian game, that was released by Sega.  Obsidian are the chief programmers who made fallout 1 and 2 before selling the rights to bethesda for 3 and creating new vegas.  This game is basically a cross between metal gear solid, and fallout.  It is a tactical espionage game with the same perk system as fallout where they can be achieved by talking or performing certain actions.  To top it off you can purchase skills per level with an ability point exchange system.  This is a VERY hard game.  It is hard to sneak up on people, it is hard to pick locks, and hard to hack.

I have gotten pretty proficient at this game, and I STILL think it is difficult.  I literally got to a point where i could not kill a boss and had to start the game over, so i am writing this review pre-completion. And i think this game will be a challenge for me for a while to come.  The lock picking is done with the L2 pressure sensitive trigger moving the weights up and down via a laser.  the hacking is like looking at the matrix trying to find the code that isn't moving.  MUCH HARDER THAN FALLOUT! fallout is basic compared to this.  none the less, because it is more challenging it is a shorter game, and still fun.  I cannot imagine this game taking more than 30 hours to complete.

Dark Sector

This game was advertised as a Resident Evil story-line, by some.  I never heard that, but basically it is the movie/anime "the guyver" the video game.  you run around with a glaive (a bladed boomerang basically) and not the polearm, and a gun.  You are fighting alien infected creatures that are in an alternate time line post-cold war Russia, where the cold war is still raging on in modern day.  Your main character is an American spy trying to get information about the infection.  This game has some of the most realistic blood/brain matter splatter i have ever seen in a video game.  Fun to play, and some of the powers you get are pretty cool too, like invisibility and a force shield, even if you don't get to use them for long.  The weapons are customizable as well which is useful.


This game is an older PS3 game with no trophies, but still fun.  It is basically a God of War rip off voiced by Ron Perlman as Conan.  There are somethings that i liked about this game, like for example different weapons styles and the ability to throw rocks and/or weapons at your opponents.  It is a pretty easy game overall, and still fun.

Eternal Sonata

There were some cool parts to this game, but over all i just found it way too repetitive.  for me, i need a game that is going to have more variety than just light/shadow attacks.  and the fact that almost 50% of the things that need to be achieved cannot be done until after you have beaten the game once, is just frustrating.  overall the graphics are good, and the combat system is a little forced in my opinion, getting to a point where you just have to run at the monsters and attack them as much as possible with no strategy involved.

Ninja Gaiden Sigma

This was a pretty good game.  One of the hardest video games, i have ever played to be honest.  I had to play it for over a month straight just to be able to beat it the first time through, and i never got past the  7th level on the hardest difficulty setting, due to the jump in difficulty this game had.  if you think you are good at video games, and want a REAL challenge... i would play this game to test your mettle.

Newest post

Sorry guys, that i have been away for a while, i got to crunch time with graduate school and also got sick for a while. so I am going to hammer out a few good reviews today.