Friday, May 31, 2013

Alpha Protocol

For those of you who had NEVER heard of this game (don't feel bad i hadn't either)  this is an obsidian game, that was released by Sega.  Obsidian are the chief programmers who made fallout 1 and 2 before selling the rights to bethesda for 3 and creating new vegas.  This game is basically a cross between metal gear solid, and fallout.  It is a tactical espionage game with the same perk system as fallout where they can be achieved by talking or performing certain actions.  To top it off you can purchase skills per level with an ability point exchange system.  This is a VERY hard game.  It is hard to sneak up on people, it is hard to pick locks, and hard to hack.

I have gotten pretty proficient at this game, and I STILL think it is difficult.  I literally got to a point where i could not kill a boss and had to start the game over, so i am writing this review pre-completion. And i think this game will be a challenge for me for a while to come.  The lock picking is done with the L2 pressure sensitive trigger moving the weights up and down via a laser.  the hacking is like looking at the matrix trying to find the code that isn't moving.  MUCH HARDER THAN FALLOUT! fallout is basic compared to this.  none the less, because it is more challenging it is a shorter game, and still fun.  I cannot imagine this game taking more than 30 hours to complete.

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