Monday, January 28, 2013

First Post

So this is my First post here.  I really don't think I will get hundreds of hits right away.  I want to start by listing some of My interests as a gamer.  I currently have a PS3 as my main gaming device.  Yes I did have an original PS, PS2, as well as when I was younger, a Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Sega Master System, and even a Coleco Vision.  Now many of you probably don't even know what a Coleco is.  It was the precursor to most video games (not all, Pong consoles really were the first), and the start  of what we see now in graphical development.  Secondly, I subscribe to PS plus, so those of you now knowing that it is easy for me to say that I have OVER 150 games.  Yes they are on my hard drive mostly.

I plan on taking a Screen shot of my PS3 home screen as evidence of this.  It would be annoying for me to list every game that I have played and/or do a walk through for them all. SO, I am not going to.  Suffice it to say I am really just creating this blog in a hopes that some people will realize that they have an ally in the cyber world who has some of the same gripes that they do.

For example, I downloaded the New "God of War: Ascension" Beta.  This was seriously disappointing for me.  I think this should have come out with "God of War III". Taking the Hercules Arena and using it as a Multiplayer battle field seems REALLY lazy to me.  I understand these guys are under deadlines, that is why i am not making too many gripes about things, but these are the things that I see wrong personally.

Second, Why change the controller configuration LITERALLY with every game. I realized this as I started playing some of the Old games in warm up for the beta coming out, figuring that it would help me to "brush up" on my controller usage skills for the new one.  I was wrong.  Figure out something that works... and STICK WITH IT.  It doesn't need to get more complicated with EVERY game you make.  The more you do that, you are losing replay value of previous games. If you want to attract and audience and keep them buying your games new, Sticking with the same thing would be a good way to do that.  less to learn means people have invested more time in gameplay and storyline than relearning how to control the character every time. Having received a BA in Psychology, and being enrolled in a MA for Psychology program, people don't want to relearn the game play with every game.  keep it fast and simple.

So in General I am not going to put tons of Gripes overall about games on here... or try not to.  We all have our frustrations, I am just looking to be a voice of the people to show that even with a busy life you can still manage your time effectively enough to enjoy the little things in life, and for me that is playing great video games.